Sunday, July 24, 2011

How can we incorporate literacy into every subject?

Inserting literacy instruction into non-ELA curriculum may seem daunting, but sometimes the trick is to simply consider it while planning. One method that can be used is the SIOP model (The Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol). In this model, literacy is considered in all stages of the planning in order to better instruct ELLs. However, if this method has proven to be effective for ELLs than it seems that all students could benefit from this type of instruction. Basically, when using the SIOP method, you explicitly state literacy objectives, develop the background knowledge of students, and emphasize academic literacy practice. These are exactly the kind of skills that will make students better learners and more able to be successful throughout their education.

Another way to incorporate literacy into any lesson is by directly attaching the curriculum to its appropriate discipline. I recently viewed the Mojoe talk, in which teaching literacy in a more contextual manner is addressed. Instead of only considering the curriculum, the actual discipline is the focus. For example, when a historian is writing about history it is usually to solve a particular problem. In order to solve the problem, a certain type of writing is used and specific language is implemented. Textbooks are not usually written in this manner so our students are often learning about a certain topic out of context. A way to tackle this problem is by using materials that are more on par with actual materials within that discipline. In science, it might be a research article about the findings of an experiment. In math, it might be a statistical review. Either way, the material should be explicitly explored by asking students why they think the author chose the manner they presented the material. There is a reason why information is organized the way it is and students should be aware of why we are asking them to organize their information in this way.

To view the Mojoe talk go to

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